Plakias 2006 - Olympic 12.09 - 26.09
Best transfer yet, one stop in Bali and one in Rethymnon and we still made the transfer in 2 hours dead. Couldn't believe it when we turned south, after just an hour. Perhaps my gripeing last year paid off, but still no rep on the bus and none to meet the bus in Plakias. We were all giving written instructions as to how to get to the apartments with the intro pack and the newbies all looked confused, until I pointed them in the right direction.
The room at Dora was the same as last year; special requests on the order form do work!
I think I've got Morven to thank for that. She's still cute! even with a blue foot.
Tried the Cretan Roast Pork in Mousses, odd to say the least, and tried to sample as many new things as poss., in Souvlaki House, Harakas, Lysseous, Medusa, thanks to whoever recommended the spicy pork there, it didn't look very pretty when it turned up, but was that good or what, and was really tempted to have another portion. Even got to the Castro by accident one lunchtime, had the place and the view all to myself. Thanks for the recommendation John.
Levicon and Dionysis made for the usual pleasant evenings, (and no SL's) and the welcome that most of us get in our 'locals' every year were much appreciated.
Heavy winds for the first few days, but bright and sunny for most of the time but got some tremendous rains in the last few days. Great fun driving around Amari in a storm. 4 x 4's have their uses.
Had a few days out around the middle, I popped a disc in my back and spent three to four days taking orders from the only Physio in the village. Many thanks to Ali and Dave for pointing me in the right direction.
Could have done with it being a lot warmer but I was two weeks later this year.
Loved the new horses and carriage and the entertainment of the geese and the dog on the beach.
Overall? Brill, just might go back for more next year. OK, skip the 'might'.
george g...