
Author Topic: Lovely to be Back!  (Read 374 times)

Offline bwian

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Lovely to be Back!
« on: July 08, 2024, 12:25:44 PM »
We're just back after a lovely 10 days in Plakias -- our first visit for seven years (personal stuff!)....!! It was really great to see so many old chums.

Offline DandC

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Re: Lovely to be Back!
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2024, 10:57:03 AM »
Hi - just returned (15 Jul) after glorious 14 days in sunny Plakias  :)

Some random jottings which may (or not) be of interest:

- weather was amazing - 34-39 every day, which may be too hot for some!
- last year was calm but this year we had med-strong winds on most days.
- the new promenade looked smart and a nice walk along the full length of the front. Nice grass running all the way too.
- the road is all brickwork too - also nice
- 'no parking' signs all along the west end, but these are completely ignored!
- tourist profile different to recent years: say 30% German, UK, French
- definitely busier than previous years but not overly so

- some significant changes in the tavernas - Tasomanolis is sadly completely gone - turned into apartments and an office :(
- GioMa under new management - still excellent view, but no longer able to book a table, and rather offhand woman running the show. And be warned about fresh fish price - we paid e42 for a medium seabass!.

Other dining out experiences:
- Plateia (Myrthios): went 3 times - excellent. Pre-order moussaka to avoid disappointment. VG mixed mezze.
- Dionyssos (Myr): guided tour of the kitchen so you can see exactly what you're getting. VG food and views
- Mariou: Great place as always - very friendly great views and great food.
- Panostrati (Selia) - nice authentic, out-of-the-way spot. VG fish.
- Sirocco - excellent place - friendly, good food, service and view. A new top 3 for us
- Merastri (Selia) - another great food spot with lovely views

And for nice spots for a drink:
- Foinikas Kantina (above Souda beach) - breathtaking view and friendly staff
- Ostraco - a fave late nightcap spot
- Cantina o Petros - great cheap rustic place on the Plakias - Lefkogia roadside. Good wraps too.
- great tavernas along the coast going E towards Frangokastello : Tav Galini/Lakki beach, Tav Koutelo
- and along the coast going W towards Triopetra - spectacular Tav Fotia (Ag Fotini) and Tav Filenia on Triopetra to Spili road (fill your water bottles with spring water gushing from the fountain!)

The Kotsifou gorge is still closed and prob for some time to come.
We were getting e1.18/? using credit card but drawing atm cash was much lower - e1.03 at the blue/yellow ATM points, but best bet is the 'Eurobank' atm at the shop next to the fish spa place by Moto Plakias. They gave e1.08 AND you just tap your card, so no fears of card being swallowed (as happened to us a few years ago)
Petrol rather pricey - best we found was e1.94/l

Anyway, enough rambling! Enjoyed our 2 weeks thoroughly. Yassas!

Offline kokkinos vrachos

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Re: Lovely to be Back!
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2024, 12:51:09 PM »
Kalimera DandC, I'm glad you had a nice time in Plakias and thank you for your feedback.

- "tourist profile different to recent years: say 30% German, UK, French"

I don't think much has changed. The majority have always come from German-speaking countries, followed by the UK and France. Then Scandinavia, Benelux, Israel and the USA...

- "definitely busier than previous years but not overly so"

I also observed this last year. Plakias was still packed with tourists until the end of October. October has been the new September for a few years now.

In recent years, Plakias has developed from a resort into a proper town with a school, etc. Plakias is now also to get a secondary school.

The Plakias region has been very popular with northern Europeans and residents for many years - many have a house here. Many families from Albania have also settled in Plakias and the surrounding area in recent years.

Many new villas have been built. Plakias is continuing to expand in the direction of Lefkogia. Permits for 100 new buildings have been issued for 2024. There are even more licences for 2025. Plakias and the surrounding area are booming...

- "The Kotsifou gorge is still closed and prob for some time to come."

Have you been able to find out anything about the current status of the construction work? There hasn't been a new article in the local media since mid-June.

Best regards from Hamburg, kv
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