Yes Alex I definately have probs with the Quote thing. How do you cancel text string?
Your last message is very strange... : although you've inserted the "quote" and "/quote" keys, it does not work...
By the way, to edit a messagge (Eg for cancel text), EVEN if you have already posted it (and you want to change it), follow this simple steps:
1. go to messagge you want to change
2. click on the "Edit" button (see my attach pic)
3. choose "Full Edit" or "Quick Edit", it's not that great difference
Then you can also CANCEL the whole unecessary text strings before your messagge.
To do it, simply select the text and press the cancel button on your keyboard!
Note that you can Edit only your messagges (not those ones of the other members... ) and you can do that only when you're logged on (you must have inserted your user name and password before you can editing).
That's all!