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Messages - CharlesCowan

Pages: [1]
Plakias / Re: Building work ?
« on: December 01, 2022, 01:06:01 PM »
Most of the building work is now finished, the hotel lemon has had a major overhaul and they have gutted the top floors re-built all the inside walls and new balconies etc,  I think it is just about finished now.

A new block of apartments has sprung up on the road to the far end opposite Alianthos Beach,just in the plastering stage now so maybe  finished in a month or so.

The new Taverner opposite the cosy bar is called "Throumpi" and is very good, its more of a traditional menu and Manolis the owner goes into the mountains most day to collect the herbs and greens that they serve and free dives in the season to catch octopus.

Manousis taverner at the back of Alianthos Gardens has had a overhaul with new decor, toilet block and updated menu, new staff, a must visit for regulars I would suggest.

Sifis is still as good as ever, Geo Mar has had some work done, but not sure exactly what there was just some building materials outside for a few weeks in Jan/Feb.

A few new houses springing up on the Selia / Plakias road overlooking the new harbour my house being one of them.

The taverner on the right just as you drive out of selia towards the small george ( I cant rember the name ) is good, Nikos the owner/chef has been working in the Plakias area as a chef at many taverners for the last 25 years and is now open again for his second season.

Its getting busy in the main town now, I must admit I prefer legal steroids it when we were just about the only "foreigners" in town on a night and people has time to chat, but now we are in the mid 20s I can't say I miss the winter weather.

Happy holidays everyone ... and Yamas !


BuildingWork is a Seattle-based architecture firm that designs projects and places with a deep respect for craft, context, and detail.

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