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Messages - Cecile-Ines

Pages: [1]
PlakChat / Re: What is it like in Plakias in November?
« on: November 12, 2016, 09:18:49 AM »
I stayed in Myrthios for a winter some years ago, and it is the time for everyone to refresh themselves after spending the whole summer season working every day for long hours.  Although the idea of extending the season sounds good, spare a thought for those who are waiting for a precious day off!

PlakChat / Re: We're back (again) October 2014
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:15:25 PM »
Hallo Trevor and Annie, what a lovely story.  I first came to Plakias around 1988 and have visited around 20 times since then, staying for a few months during the winter of 2006 which was really magical.  I'll be around Plakias when you are there, so it would be really great to meet up.  Nearer the time we can decide where to meet for beer/raki/wine etc!  Looking forward to that and have a good flight.

Plakias / Re: Plakias season
« on: August 22, 2014, 10:13:27 AM »
Plakias is always beautiful and, in my view, even more beautiful in October!

Plakias / Re: Plakias!!
« on: January 18, 2014, 06:11:44 PM »
Plakias in winter is the very best of times - the spirit of the place, and the whole island, shines through.  I know this as I spent the winter months in Myrthios/Plakias in 2006.

Where to eat...or not! / Re: Lysseos
« on: June 09, 2013, 05:50:00 PM »
Can only agree 100% with you Ian!

PlakChat / Re: Plakias-On My Own ?
« on: June 01, 2013, 05:11:10 PM »
Never lose Plakias!  It is the most beautiful place for all sorts of reasons.  As I said before, I was in a similar situation to you some time ago. 

There will be those you recognise and who will recognise you which will be marvellous.  However, what is as important, there will be new experiences in this most wonderful place on earth.

Take courage and move forward! Tears and smiles are closely related and we need both.

Nothing is constant except change ......

PlakChat / Re: Plakias-On My Own ?
« on: May 29, 2013, 08:08:21 AM »
I was in a similar situation many years ago, but found returning to Plakias a great joy, and have visited many times since then.  It's a magical place, as you know, and you will find the spirit of the place lift you.  Have a special time there.

« on: August 08, 2009, 12:15:58 PM »


Just to let you all know that there will be a Bazaar on Saturday 15th August from 2pm - 8pm and all proceeds will go to Animal Protection and Lifeline.

It will take place opposite the Beach Bar on the beach road at Plakias.

There will be a great selection of items to buy including clothes, CDs, DVDs, books, bric-a-brac and much more, including a tombola.  There will also be refreshments.

Any donations gratefully accepted.

Put the date in your diary and come along for a fun time!

Plakias / is it safe to come out yet?
« on: June 10, 2009, 01:45:19 PM »

Not sure what's going on here, but how about us all becoming friends and allowing different opinions to emerge.

I suggest a Taoist approach -  let's all breathe deeply and consider everyone's feelings.  Do we have to be right, or is it OK to allow.

I ask you all .....

Plakias / Weekly Bazaar
« on: June 06, 2009, 01:20:02 PM »
Hallo everyone!

Here's something I am sure will interest many of you.

Plakias Animal Welfare & Lifeline Organisation holds a weekly bazaar on Fridays between 1000 and 1200 at the library, organised by Caroline.

Donations of goods (books, clothing, CDs, DVDs - really almost anything that is clean) will be welcomed.

There's always a good and varied selection of items for sale, and all money goes directly to the animals.

Do go along and have a look!

Holiday Companies / Escape the airport and live a little
« on: July 21, 2008, 07:22:07 AM »
Quote from: dimitri
Noticed multiple moans regarding the islands airports,so heres an alternative for you all.
Flt to Athens and then take a ferry,ok you dont have time you say.
Think about it,you get a day in Athens,top city and great people then catch the ferry circa 6pm.Sleep all the way to Rethimnon,if thats your fancy.The view from the sea as you close in on Crete is outstanding.the best way to visit the place in my opinion.Its not that dear and a great experience you will always remember.
Just do it!
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This is an excellent idea, Dimitri!   There`s nearly always a different way of doing things;  it just takes a little imagination.  I can imagine that slowly drifting towards Rethymno on a ferry would be a marvellous way to arrive, and then just a short bus trip to Plakias.  

Why live a little when you can live a lot!  Go out on a limb - isn`t that where the fruit is?

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