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Messages - Kerstin

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Gossip / Working this week?
« on: December 23, 2008, 06:54:36 PM »
Quote from: Barny
Who else is at work this week?


I do not have to work until the 4th of January and I will enjoy the next days.

Merry Christmas, Barny.


Gossip / cheer up!
« on: November 26, 2008, 08:17:29 PM »
Quote from: travellingran
Quote from: Chris H.
Quote from: Mike from Sussex
Quote from: Chris H.
Quote from: travellingran
Quote from: dimitri
shocking!,probably had no driving licence or insurance either.

Once again you have missed the point.  Please take time out to study the irony in English humour.
Travellingran: better not to react to this person, in computer terms it is called: 'Don't feed the troll' cause if you do he will just go on and on.....
Btw, I wonder if it's technically possible to block this site for certain IP adresses, would be great if it could be done cause it's very annoying to be confronted with such negativety and cynicism all the time.............

This is just a personal opinion, but the last Dimitri post seemed a reference to the Cretan independent spirit, which I think many of us find to be a major attraction of the island.

Do we really want to flame members or bar them just because they have different views to our own? Can we not put our counter views without making personal attacks?

Again, a personal view, but I cannot remember any posts from Dimitri which would put him into the troll category. I have experienced real trolls on other sites.


Of course you people are right, just acted emotionally, it's just that certain smell of sarcasm coming from his posts that I find annoying especially cause this forum has always such a
friendly, relaxed and helpful atmosphere......

Mike from Sussex is trying to excuse the disgraceful behavour of Dimitri with the defence 'he is an independant spirit.'  Oh , is he really !.
It is interesting that the people most offended by his postings are female -whether in Forum postings or in private PM's .

The male members springing to his defence are almost as bad as him by re-inforcing his bullying tactics. The greatest problem Dimitri has is his inability to understand and write the English language. He does not understand humour or irony ,nor does he reply directly to postings but just fires off more self indulgent hatred and selfishness at will.

I will continue to be annoyed by him as I am one of the 'stupid people' to which he refers. The Forum should  continue to be a '  friendly and relaxed  place -' albeit without  Dimitri and anyone else who dresses up insulting postings as humour , when in fact  male chauvanism and bullying is their intent.


Hello Heather,

As you know I agree with you.

I do not like the humour of Dimitri and I believe he is searching for troubles.


Gossip / cheer up!
« on: November 18, 2008, 06:46:44 PM »
Quote from: Chris H.
It's grey and drizzly outside and all the leaves have gone so to cheer you all up here's a little sunshine:
Chris H.


What a nice photo. Thank you very much.

At the moment we have rain and 3 degrees.

Plakias / "Village Store" closes ....
« on: November 10, 2008, 07:59:14 PM »

Sorry, Dimitri, it is very difficult to follow up your remarks.
Maybe, it could be a reason. I am from Germany and I do not know where do you come from?
Are you really from England? Do you love Crete or not?

I understood your dreams are broken. I believe you are very frustrated.
You should not carry over your bad experience.

I hope Ali and Dave will have a chance for a new start in Plakias. And I am admire the courage as to do something like this in a forgein country.

Gossip / where is?
« on: November 06, 2008, 08:39:48 AM »
Quote from: Barny
Thanks for the reply, if it is by Stella that is a good location. I have just mailed them and will wait for a reply.
Lovely weather today isn't it ?


Lovely weather??? We have fog, light rain and around 8 degrees...

Gossip / where is?
« on: November 05, 2008, 07:03:39 PM »
Quote from: Barny
Has anyone heard of the "Aphrodite" rooms in Plakias? I was talking to Pavlos in August and he said his friend owned these rooms and I must stay next year etc etc.  But not to keen on going somewhere I have't seen before.
Any ideas?


Hello Barny,

I remember, our friends stayed there and they were very statisfied with these rooms. They said the breakfast was very good and opulent.
It is situated next to Castello and Stella. I am sure you know the surrounding of these apartments.

Last year we were interested in these rooms. Please try this website:

Sorry, the website is only German.
I will try to translate it:

The rooms have 20 squaremeters with a fridge.
The apartments havw 35 squaremeters with a kitchen unit.

Extras are: hair dryer, safe, an flat-iron and air condition

In my opinion the prices for the rooms (Zimmer) and apartments are increased.
They clean the rooms every day without on Sunday.

And Nikos ask for emails in English  

Good luck.

Holiday Companies / Flight or Flight ?
« on: October 29, 2008, 07:24:03 PM »
As to compare the prices in Germany and England:

Yesterday I booked our flights to Crete for the next year in May.
We paid 348 € for each person including all taxes (and 20 kg for each person) from Leipzig to Heraklion with very nice flight times.
We will leave Germany at 6.20 a.m. to Heraklion and 2 weeks later we will leave Crete at 6.30 p.m. with AirBerlin.
I my opinion these are increased prices.
Now we are looking forward to our next holiday in Plakias. It is an aim!

Gossip / Anyone in?
« on: October 25, 2008, 11:41:03 AM »
Quote from: Graham_and_Karen
Quote from: Kerstin
Yesterday Condor offered 362 Euro for each person including all taxes.

Looks like the UK prices aren't so expensive after all. I would have thought it would be cheaper flying from Germany as it's not so far from Crete.

The prices depend on the school holidays in the several states in Germany and an other fact are the statutory holidays.
Our wish was to spent two weeks between the 22nd of May and the 5th of June 2009 but it includes statutory holidays and school holidays
and therefore the flights are so expensive. It is possible to find flights for around 200 Euros if you want to travel on an other date.

Gossip / Anyone in?
« on: October 24, 2008, 01:17:23 PM »
[quote name='Hugo Vanderspikken' date='Oct 23 2008, 09:40 PM' post='12640']
Have a look at the website of Germanwings.  They are having cheap flights to Heraklion for May and June out of Koln.


Yes, generally Germanwings offers cheap prices for flights within Europe.
Unfortunately they do not fly from our airport to Heraklion and Cologne is to far away from us.
Next week on Tuesday we will get the timetable and prices from AirBerlin and than we can make our decision between Condor, AirBerlin and Tuifly.
Yesterday Condor offered 362 Euro for each person including all taxes.


Gossip / Anyone in?
« on: October 23, 2008, 06:49:49 PM »
Quote from: Barny
Hello it's all very quiet, is anyone in?

Yes, I am here!  

You are right, it is very quiet.

Maybe a new topic...
Every year at the end of October we can book cheap flights to all countries because the airlines come out with the new timetables for the next summer.
During the last days I checked the flights for the next year in May and as far as I can tell it is very difficult to find suitable and cheap flights to Crete.  
All flights are more expensive! The prices are very different from day to day. It is unbelievable and it remembers on the stock exchange.
Tomorrow I will check it again and again with the help of our travel agency.


Where to stay / Two-bedroom apartment
« on: October 14, 2008, 07:30:12 PM »
Quote from: JaneGary
Returning to Plakias last week in October to experience what it's like end of season. Posted before trying to find a larger  apartment for 4 but all seem to have one bedroom and convertible bed in the living room rather than two bedrooms. This tends not to suit as unlike on work days at home I am up at the crack of dawn and would disturb our teenage kids who have discovered how to lie in. Any ideas? Also what can we expect in terms of weather, places being open etc? We have always been previously end of May/beginning of June. Thanks.

The apartments have two bedrooms.

We had good experiences with Ansotravel.


Holiday Companies / XL airways
« on: September 15, 2008, 08:12:49 PM »
On looking at my travel insurance I couldn't find any reference to what happens under the circumstances pertaining to XL and would be interested if anyone knows. One thing it did say was that you couldn't claim back any losses on airline mileage offers (e.g. Airmiles) or supermarket loyalty schemes (e.g. Tesco).

We all hope George gets back OK and hope he reports that in spite of hassle at the end, he had a good time.


Mike, we thought about this problem.
In Germany we get an chattel paper. Sorry, I am not sure about the translation. I had a look on the dictionary and I did not found an other translation.
Please help me, if it is not correct.
We get this paper with each booking about a tour operator. This paper is very important as to come home if such circumstances happen.
It means we do not have to pay for extra costs.
When we book the flights private we can effect an insurance it works on the same way. This insurance is not expensive. When I remember it costs a couple
of Euros.
At present we have a special credit card from the biggest automobile club in Germany (ADAC) and this card insured us from the moment of the booking
until the arrival at home. During the last days we got a letter and the conditions will be changed from the beginning of the next year. Until now the amount
of the journey is indifferent but from the next year they will raise the value.
We will see what will happens.


Holiday Companies / XL airways
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:09:14 PM »

Today I found an article in our news paper about XL Airways. I read more than 80.000 tourists are stranded in several countries all over the world.
I believe it will be very difficult to find flights for some many people. I also read more than 200.000 people are affected by this crash. It concerns
all these people which were booked on XL Airways during the next weeks.

I think it is necessary to have an insurance against such damages. It is one way to get the money back.

On the other side you have a booked accomodation but no flights and than it is very difficult to find suitable flights. I tried a dummy booking
but I could not find any flights from Leipzig to Heraklion within the next 2 weeks.

By the way...  I hope nothing will happens with our flights to Gran Canaria next week because I am looking forward to our holiday.


Where to go / Events in and around Plakias
« on: September 03, 2008, 07:45:15 PM »
Quote from: Graham_and_Karen
On a few occasions when in Plakias we've found out about events the day after they've happened. Feel free to add info about any events in the Plakias area.
I have two specific questions:
1. Is there a date set for the Raki festival at Kali Sikia - we've managed to miss it in previous years and would like to go this year.

2. Last year we went up Timios Stavros, coincidentally on the day of the Feast of the Holy Cross - we would like to attend the service this year - does anyone know what time it is? I assume, we've got the date correct - 14th September.


Sorry, I cannot answer to your specific questions. I suggest, ask Freddy from the beach or his wife. She works in the Livicon.

I have an other idea:
We would recommend the Bouzouki Night at the Paligremnos. It takes place every Monday in the evening. I am sure you know it.
This year at the end of May/at the beginning of June we had a wonderful evening with our friends and we met so many people from the beach.
Every day we met us on the beach and than the evening was great, the music and the dances were unforgettable. For the evening meal
we had a large choice in the kitchen.
We hope it will takes place next year too.

Kerstin & Peter

Plakias / been there again.
« on: September 02, 2008, 07:57:55 PM »
Quote from: Barny
Well I wish you all a wonderful time! don't forget to send me a postcard! ha ha !


Thank you very much.

... and why not... Please send me your address via a Personal message and than you will get a postcard from Gran Canaria.
It is promised.


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