
Author Topic: Midnight closing  (Read 1393 times)

Offline Oxart

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Midnight closing
« on: September 04, 2020, 11:50:16 PM »
More than happy to say I made it back to Plakias amidst this pandemic. All seems as pleasant as ever here but I have noticed that the bars all close at midnight. I can only assume that this is some response to the pandemic? I also just saw a police patrol pass by (about 1:10 am), something I have rarely seen in the 16 years coming here. Well I guess needs must....
It is quieter than usual at this time of year, but non the worse for that. The ever creeping development continues But time waits for no man, woman or identifiable gender!
Always a comfort for the soul to be here, so if you’re still undecided if you should make the journey here - just do it!

Offline JBMouse

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Re: Midnight closing
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2020, 09:58:52 AM »
Yes, midnight closing decreed by the Greek government, not a major problem for us Saga Louts, well past bedtime! (mostly). I wonder how Angelo at KC will cope with midnight closing? Or will he ignore it as he is hidden away in the back lane, and Angelo also acts as the reception desk for the middle of the night arrivals & departures, so possibly a get out clause there for him?
We will be back October 1st. no UK govt. announcement will stop us now as we lost our other Greek holidays this year, and Greece has a lower infection figure than the UK presently, I respect the risks of Covid-19, but the worst is over and I refuse to be afraid of my own shadow as the UK government would like us to be!
Nearly time to start packing 😎