that should read as "questions for 2007" - I only have a few, honest.
ONE: The Train.Is it back in service (or likely to be)?
If not, what options are there for local transport?
I ask this because I have some "walking difficulties" - that avatar is an exaggeration but I need an elbow crutch to substitute for my duff leg. Provided the road is reasonably flat I reckon I could manage to get to Souda beach but hills are a real problem for me. So, heading over to the Amoudia's on foot, is probably out.
TWO: The bus(es).At this time, the KTEL website is still showing off-season timetables. Does anybody know what/when/if the summer timetable and/or services will be?
Exploring by local bus is great, chance to see things from higher up (than a car) and mix with the locals at the same time.
THREE: Kosmar rep.Ali, is it still you?
If so, do the Aretousa Studios have kettles? I need a litre of caffeine to start my day

... only after that can I think of going in search of the ultimate
kaffe Ellenikos, skieto.
(If not, I bet you know where sells them

I'll let somebody else think up the remaining 2004 questions