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Plakias / Re: Plakias 2022
« Last post by Daniel on September 28, 2022, 07:34:26 PM »
We have now been back home for a week after our 2 week stay in Plakias with George at Creta Mare.

Weather during the day was excellent and swimming in the warm sea was as good as we have known it .
But not a lot of change of temperature from day time to nighttime which made sleeping difficult.

The town was fairly busy, especially on several evenings when there were a lot of people in town, wandering around and using the bars and tavernas.
Didn?t understand this as it only happened a couple of times and on random days ?
But usually Tavernas were pretty full and booking sometimes needed.
We used our usual places, Sirroco, Lysseus, Siffi ,  Gio Ma and the one up the side street, next to Cosy Corner who?s name escapes me.

I think that now, Sirroco is probably the best food and Sifi the best atmosphere.
Such a shame that Lysseus will be under new ownership next year.

The mix of nationalities was, as is usual, very good , with non especially predominant.
But very few British voices to be heard, especially in the evenings .

Plakias seems now to be very popular with people coming into town during the day for the beach and in early evening for the Tavernas.

But that is the last time that we will visit Plakias.

The reasons for that decision are many and varied :
Old age is creeping up with us and driving on Greek roads is becoming something which we can do without .
Plakias is no longer the village/ small town which we first discovered some 20 years ago and came to love .
At first it changed slowly and still kept it character and charm.

But in recent years that change has accelerated and the changes made have altered the look and feel of the place
From that which we first came to know and love.

So goodbye Plakias, old friend , time for us to move on to pastures new .

But thanks for the memories !!!

Plakias / Re: Plakias 2022
« Last post by ian s on September 20, 2022, 06:24:56 AM »
Going home tonight after 2 great weeks.  Weather wonderful (only 2 days with any real wind to speak of) and the sea fantastic for swimming.  Yes Plakias is bigger and busier but won?t stop me returning next year.
Where to eat...or not! / Re: Lysseos
« Last post by Barny on September 15, 2022, 10:38:01 AM »
I ate there a few times over the last two weeks. Shame to see it go. Wonder what it will be next. I liked Harakas when it was there too. I went to Antonis in the evenings, well worth it, go if you've never been.
Plakias / Re: Plakias 2022
« Last post by JBMouse on September 13, 2022, 12:52:05 PM »
You lucky so-and-so! Wish I were there, if I can do it, I will stay at Creta Mare for the first time in over 22 years, sorry Kostas, you lose out to the view.
Plakias / Re: Plakias 2022
« Last post by Daniel on September 13, 2022, 07:56:45 AM »
Now half way thru our Plakias stay.

Weather is hot and at times fairly windy ( even for Plakias )
Very warm in the evening and during the night, making sleeping difficult.

The town is very busy and tavernas usually full by 8 pm .
Beaches also fairly full, particular towards weekend.

Nothing much has changed since our June visit and there does not seem to be much building WIP .

Enjoying our stay with George at Creta Mare and eating with Sifi ,Geo Ma, Sirocco and Lysseus .

Will give a fuller report when we get back home next week .
Where to eat...or not! / Re: Lysseos
« Last post by ian s on September 09, 2022, 06:34:57 PM »
In Plakias at the moment and enjoying our evenings in Lysseos as usual.  However just to advise that Lysseos will be closing at the end of the season as Lucas and Lito are retiring.  Wishing them all the best but we sure will miss them.  Many great memories to look back on.
Plakias / Re: Plakias 2022
« Last post by Daniel on September 05, 2022, 04:17:50 PM »
Packing for out last 2 weeks in Plakias .
Mixed emotions .
Leeds Bradford 6 am tomorrow morning with Jet 2 .
Staying with George and. Joanna at Creta Mare as usual.

Will report back after we have settled in .
Plakias / Re: Plakias 2022
« Last post by Susan K on August 08, 2022, 10:31:04 AM »
We made the decision not to return when we were there last September. We have been going for about 22 years, but really noticed how the feel of the place has changed. Time to move on.
Plakias / Webcam gone?
« Last post by JBMouse on August 02, 2022, 04:25:12 PM »
The webcam at Livikon and Morpheus is not working again, the Morpheus apartments website is non existent, so is the end for the webcam? If anyone is lucky enough to be in Plakias, perhaps they could ask Dionysos at The Livikon if the webcam is really finished.
Plakias / Re: Plakias 2022
« Last post by ian s on July 28, 2022, 06:22:22 PM »
Yes, so I?ve heard.  I?ve been frequenting Lysseos for more than 30 years and reckon I must have eaten there at least 500 times and that equates to a heck of a lot of jugs of red wine!  Will be back In September to enjoy our last supper at Lysseos and to wish Lucas and Lito a long and healthy well earned retirement.  I think for us Plakias will never be quite the same again.
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