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Messages - Cat

Pages: [1]
Holiday Companies / Chania
« on: July 04, 2007, 11:33:46 AM »
Quote from: harribobs
no flood problems here, i'm glad to say

last time there was a problem where i live was in 1927 (IIRC  , although i must add i wasn't around then)

the weather at the moment is very mixed, bright sunshine then rain, as a friend of mine says doesn't know whether to have a s**t or a haircut

Your lucky! the river behind us broke it's banks last week and our back garden was under about a foot of water!! Beautiful weather for JULY!! Thank goodness for the holidays!  

Holiday Companies / Ryan Air
« on: July 04, 2007, 11:30:55 AM »
Quote from: G&S
I know people may have mixed views of Ryanair, but we've found them OK in the past. If only they flew to Crete. Just sorting out a trip to northern Italy next month and I'm inundated with offers of 1p + taxes each way daytime flights with Ryanair from Doncaster to Pisa and back. Total cost for two return flights incl. all taxes less than £50! Can cope with an extra £5 each way per hold bag if required.

How can you fly to Italy and back for £25 all in? The travel world does seem to have gone mad in some respects, not that we're complaining.

I know its crazy isn't it. I'm a very nervous flyer so I worry that with prices that low, the plane might not be up to much!   Although Ryanair don't fly to Crete you can still get some fairly cheap flight prices. Go on to and look on there.

PlakChat / Google maps in Greek?
« on: July 04, 2007, 11:22:05 AM »
Quote from: Graham_and_Karen
Quote from: Cat

I was trying to look around Crete on Google maps the other day but it was all in Greek. Does anyone know if there is any way of changing all the place names into English?


To answer your original question - I'm not aware of a way of changing the names to English on Google Maps. Another option is to download Google Earth. Resolution is good but you don't have the option of a road map. Names are in English but when I looked at it briefly, most names only appeared when you clicked on a placemark.

Thanks guys, I'll have a look at both of those later on tonight. You'd think that Google could work it so that if you use maps from the place names could be written in english, likewise if you were to use maps from the maps could be written in German. Ah well.

PlakChat / Google maps in Greek?
« on: July 03, 2007, 03:51:10 PM »

I was trying to look around Crete on Google maps the other day but it was all in Greek. Does anyone know if there is any way of changing all the place names into English?



PlakChat / Beer, Beer we want more beer
« on: July 03, 2007, 03:43:33 PM »
Quote from: bob
I had a beer called Zorba during my first adventure in Plakias. Interesting.
But, here in the States I will usually settle on a Samuel Adams (Boston, MA, USA), Corona (Mexico) or if I'm in a good mood and it is being sold by the glass Bass Ale (one of my favorites).
My vote is cast for Mythos.

I'm a big fan of Corona. Its such a summery drink and quite refreshing that it's great for holiday drinking.

Plakias / moped hire?
« on: July 03, 2007, 03:32:07 PM »
Quote from: Kerstin
Quote from: ems
can anyone recommend the best place to hire mopeds in Plakias?

I would say, have a look on:


I second Kerstin have a look on Alianthos's site

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