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Topics - John R

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Plakias / Flooding
« on: February 25, 2019, 05:50:18 PM »
Just seen on Facebook videos of extreme flooding in Plakias. Main river seems to have overtopped the bridge.


Plakias / Smoke
« on: December 17, 2018, 08:19:54 AM »
Looking st livikon webcam towards far end this morning at 08:15gmt - 10:15 Greek time there is a lot of smoke rising from somewhere in the far end direction. Hopefully not anything serious.

Plakias / Taking Currency for holiday
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:12:54 AM »
i have read today in the Telegraph financial pages that the Greek tourist board is advising all travellers to take with them adequate cash for at least five days in case ATM's are out of action if the financial crisis worsens. If there is a major crisis, ATM's may be the first to close down. I don't feel anyone should be reluctant to travel to Plakias - they need our support but just make sure one doesn't run out of cash.

I always take adequate cash anyway and I think that if there is a major crash in Greek finances while we are there then that cash will be very acceptable indeed wherever it is spent. I usually pay in advance via currency transfer for car hire but wonder about reverting to the norm of handing cash over to rep when collecting car. Unfortunately this would mean being met by the Autoway rep at airport rather than our current mutually convenient arrangement of finding the car ourselves in their car park. I could drive to their office in Rethymnon some time during holiday to pay them I suppose. They trust me and I once did just that. My fear would be a financial bank crash immediately after transferring funds with them not being accessible to the car hire firm.

Difficult times for the Greeks - lets do what we can for our Plakias friends.

John R

PlakChat / Freddie Demeyere
« on: February 25, 2014, 08:05:33 AM »
I am sure many of you will have known Freddie Demeyere from Belgium. He and is wife Frieda were regulars to Plakias in Spring and Autumn. Frieda rang me today to tell me the very sad news that Freddie died yesterday. She asked me to inform anyone that I could. We will remember him always for his cheerfulness, friendship and bravery he showed in overcoming his disability and making his regular trips to Plakias which he enjoyed so much. We will miss him so much on our visits there


Where to eat...or not! / VAT reduction on food
« on: July 17, 2013, 04:04:23 PM »
This info might reduced taverna prices a little ?? Info picked up on another forum.

Value added tax in the Greek food service sector will be reduced from 23 percent to 13 percent starting on August 1, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said in a televised statement on Wednesday.

Holiday Companies / Easyjet Spring 2013 flights
« on: September 07, 2012, 04:49:23 PM »
Easyjet Spring flights for 2013 are now available UK to Plakias. Thanks to friends alerting us we booked yesterday (first day) for our first spring break in Plakias and which will include the Orthodox Easter (05 May). Rechecked the prices today the 2nd day to find that we would have had to pay another £80. Will be in Plakias for 2 weeks mid September and it will be nice to know we shall return in Spring.

Easyjet booking much clearer now and one can allocate your seats in advance from £3 per person per flight.

So - hitching a lift with Olympic from Newcastle in September and back to fully independent with Easyjet from Manchester in Spring.


Holiday Companies / New Flights
« on: December 04, 2011, 09:14:30 AM »
I see that Ryanair have started a service from Prestwich (Glasgow)to Chania on Tuesdays. Departs Prestwich 06:30 arriving Chania at 13:00 departs Chania 13:30 arrriving Prestwich 16:00

Where to stay / Easyjet Confirmation email
« on: September 08, 2009, 09:13:25 PM »
Hi everyone.

It is now 2 weeks to my departure and I have just received an email from easyjet :-

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Travel document information required

Before you travel, you are legally required to provide us with travel document information for your journey.

You MUST provide this. If you don't, members of your travelling party will not be allowed to take their flight.

There is a link in the email which efficiently took me to log in to my easyjet account  and thence a form which I had to fill in giving details of my and Gillian's passport. No information - no flight they say. I don't remember doing anything like this in previous years and this is to advise independent travellers using easyjet (and perhaps other airlines ??) to look out for this email and comply with it. They state that this info is required by some countries for security reasons. Having completed the form on my easyjet account page the intro page changes to :-

Thank you for providing your advanced passenger information. Please remember that if this information is inaccurate or does not match the document presented for travel, you will not be allowed to take your flight.

I'm just a bit bothered that some easyjet flyers to Plakias may miss seeing this email - spam filters and such like !!!.

John R

Plakias / General Map of Crete
« on: April 27, 2007, 02:26:27 PM »
I have just bought the Rough Guide map of Crete.

It is one of the best maps of Crete that I have seen - for general purposes. Scale is 1:140,000 and it is a rip-proof waterproof plastic map with a removable cardboard cover. The detail is superb, very clear and looks to be very much up to date. Maybe not perfect for say serious walkers in the mountains but every road and track is marked in detail. It has contours as well. Vastly superior to the 1:300,000 tourist maps handed out free by the hire care companies.

Not very expensive either. RRP £5.99 (cheaper I think at Amazon) ISBN 1-84353-239-5

I would say indispensable for anyone hiring a car.

John R

Holiday Companies / BA - here we go again ?????
« on: March 07, 2007, 09:01:12 AM »
I can hardly believe it. My Newcastle flight cancelled - rebooked with BA Connect from Manchester and I have found this :-

British Airways has sold the regional operations of its subsidiary airline, BA Connect, to Flybe - a move that will lead to about 900 flight cancellations.

The airline said it would offer passengers alternative flights with either BA or Flybe, or a full refund.

The airports affected include Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Birmingham and Bristol.

Anybody know any more !!!!!!!!

John R

PS (edit) Just realised my service from Manchester is run by GB airways. However I'm still not sure of our position etc.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6418391.stm  is of interest

Panic over as I have just found on the BA site :-

What about services operated by GB Airways from Manchester, Nottingham East Midlands and Bristol?
Services operated by GB Airways are unaffected by this announcement.

I'm leaving this message on as it may be of interest to anyone else who thinks that they MAY have been affected by the changes

Gossip / Skeelos Meeting
« on: December 10, 2006, 10:36:24 AM »
Yesterday we had a day in London where we met up with Denis and Christine, founder members of the Plakias Livicon Skeelos Club. I had a meeting to attend and they took Gillian round all London (it seemed) on a walking tour - (in true Skeelos fashion). I don't think there was any sight that they missed seeing after which they met up with me and we had a meal in a pub somewhere behind carnaby Street where a sub committee meeting of the Skeelos Club took part discussing all aspects of Plakias before we parted and flew back North.

It was so nice to meet up with our Plakias friends in the UK who we have now been seeing in Plakias for many years.

John and Gillian R

Holiday Companies / BA Flights - Manchester
« on: October 24, 2006, 11:51:47 AM »
Yesterday (23 October) all British Airways Connect 2007 direct flights (Flight BA6810) between Manchester and Heraklion disappeared from the BA website system. Still on the timetable but no means of booking them. I rang up BA and their rep had no suggestions other than a pending major amendment to those flights - including the possibility of withdrawal. That rep was also surprised when she could not access them herself. Her system said all flights fully booked !! - which she agreed was very unlikely. The last few 2006 flights were available and bookable.

I know some people have already booked these flights for 2007 - have they received any notifications from BA.

Perhaps it is simply website maintenance

Anybody out there know anything about this ?

John R

Holiday Companies / Kosmar Takeover
« on: April 11, 2006, 02:51:36 PM »
I don't suppose it will make much difference to the customers but I just found this notice today :-

Kosmar sold to Excel Airways

Greece specialist operator Kosmar Holidays is to be acquired by Excel Airways, part of the Icelandic Avion Group.

Agreement has been reached for the deal for an undisclosed sum, which takes effect from May 2.

Holiday Companies / Kosmar - Chania ?
« on: August 24, 2005, 09:44:53 AM »
I found this statement in another Crete forum - together with a couple of confirmatory statements. I think that a bit of judicial checking with the UK agent may be justified :-

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 10:51 am    Post subject: Kosmar - Chania warning    
Be aware that if you are flying into Chania this summer with Kosmar you may NOT be going to the accommodation (or even resort) that you have booked!! The UK office have chosen not to inform guests prior to departure (although they DO have the details) and are satisfied that they can leave this task to their manager to tell 'guests' upon arrival at Chania airport!
Kosmar have no explanation! They are not overbooked - they have simply chosen to leave rooms empty and transfer 'guests' to alternative accommodation.
And, just for good measure, the flight from East Midlands lands at Santorini on its way into Chania and the Bristol and Birmingham flights are combined into one - another scenario which is not revealed to 'guests' until they arrive at their UK airport!!

John R

Forum and Website discussion / Attachments
« on: July 09, 2004, 10:36:15 PM »
Thanks for that note Andy

I noticed that in the photo of the beach bar that Ostraco uploaded, a small image appeared in the text which when clicked on produced a larger image in a separate pop up window. I thought that was good. Is that the standard way this board deals with an attached photo or did Ostraco employ some other clever stuff as well ?

John R

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